Save the Date – Nordic REMIT Seminar June 17, 2025 in Copenhagen
Welcome to this year’s NordREG REMIT Seminar, jointly hosted by the Nordic regulators. This event will continue the dialogue on market surveillance and REMIT compliance, offering valuable insights to wholesale market participants in the electricity and gas markets.
Hybrid contracts can now be compared as their own group in the Sähkö service
Improvements to the Sähkö service will make it easier to compare electricity contracts. Consumers can now compare hybrid contracts as their own product group. In addition, business clients have been given the opportunity to compare electricity contract products intended for companies.
Reporting from data centres to the European database has started
Operators of data centres with a power demand of at least 500 kW must report their data to the European Commission’s database from autumn 2024 onwards. In the next years, the reports on the previous year’s activities must be submitted annually by 15 May.
Save the Date: NordREG Seminar on Wholesale and Transmission Developments on 30 October 2024 in Helsinki
Seminar information from NordREG: Each year NordREG arranges a joint seminar on wholesale and transmission developments. This year the seminar will be held physically in Helsinki, Finland on the 30th of October 2024.
Presentations from the 8th Baltic Gas Market Forum
8th BALTIC GAS MARKET FORUM in Finland 15 November 2018, Helsinki
Stakeholder consultation on the terms and conditions for provision of gas transmission services
The Energy Authority has published a proposal from the Finnish transmission system operator Gasum Oy regarding the terms and conditions for provision of gas transmission services.
Consultation on capacity allocation mechanism at the Imatra Cross-Border Interconnection Point as of January 1, 2020
The Energy Authority has received from Gasum Ltd a proposal for the capacity allocation mechanism, as per attached document. Before making the final decision, the Energy Authority must give the opportunity to the stakeholders to express their views about the proposed capacity allocation mechanism.