Contact information

Address: Lintulahdenkuja 2 A, FIN-00530 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 29 5050 000
E-mail: [email protected]

All personal e-mail addresses are of the type: [email protected]


Please ensure that all invoices are submitted electronically via the Finnish
Government´s e-billing operator Posti Messaging Oy.

E-invoicing address/EDI identifier: 003717383546
Peppol e-invoicing address: 0037:17383546
Operator ID, Posti Messaging Oy: FI28768767
Business ID: 2876876-7
VAT number: FI17383546

Our Incoming accounts:  

  •  Danske Bank A/S Finland branch FI30 8129 9710 0119 66 
  • Nordea Bank Oyj FI47 1660 3000 1040 60

More information: [email protected]

For further advice: Government E-Invoicing Website