Guarantee of Origin

The regulation of the renewable energy directive (RED II) regarding guarantee of origin (GO) has been implemented in Finland. GOs are issued for

  • electricity produced with renewable energy sources, nuclear power and efficient co-production
  • renewable gas and hydrogen produced with renewable energy sources
  • heat and cooling produced with renewable energy sources and waste heat and cold.

Act on Guarantees of Origin for EnergyLink to an external website (1050/2021)

Government Decree on Guarantees of Origin for Energy Link to an external website(1081/2021)

The Energy Authority supervises the compliance with the Act 1050/2021 and the provisions issues under the Act (1081/2021). Under the Consumer Protection Act (38/1978) the consumer ombudsman supervises the lawfulness of marketing in the context of the marketing of electricity, gas, hydrogen, heating or cooling to consumers.

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