Energy Authority
Energy Authority regulates and promotes operation of the electricity and gas markets, emission reductions, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.
Save the Date – Nordic REMIT Seminar June 17, 2025 in Copenhagen
Welcome to this year’s NordREG REMIT Seminar, jointly hosted by the Nordic regulators. This event will continue the dialogue on market surveillance and REMIT compliance, offering valuable insights to wholesale market participants in the electricity and gas markets.
Hybrid contracts can now be compared as their own group in the Sähkö service
Improvements to the Sähkö service will make it easier to compare electricity contracts. Consumers can now compare hybrid contracts as their own product group. In addition, business clients have been given the opportunity to compare electricity contract products intended for companies.
Reporting from data centres to the European database has started
Operators of data centres with a power demand of at least 500 kW must report their data to the European Commission’s database from autumn 2024 onwards. In the next years, the reports on the previous year’s activities must be submitted annually by 15 May.
Save the Date: NordREG Seminar on Wholesale and Transmission Developments on 30 October 2024 in Helsinki
Seminar information from NordREG: Each year NordREG arranges a joint seminar on wholesale and transmission developments. This year the seminar will be held physically in Helsinki, Finland on the 30th of October 2024.
National report on electricity and natural gas markets in 2023 published
The Energy Authority has published the national report on the operation and oversight of the electricity and natural gas markets in Finland in 2023. In the report, you will find key figures of the Finnish energy markets and a summary of the impact of the Energy Authority's activities.
Solar power production capacity rose to 1,000 megawatts
At the end of 2023, Finland's installed solar power production capacity was approximately 1,000 MW, most of which was micro-generation. The total capacity increased by more than 300 MW over the year.
Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court: Cross-subsidisation is in violation of unbundling regulation also in corporate restructuring
The decision issued 28 March 2024 by the Supreme Administrative Court repeals the Market Court's decision on the unbundling of Gasum’s business operations and the prohibition of cross-subvention in accordance with the requirements of the Energy Authority. The decisions of the Energy Authority will enter into force and the decision concerning penalty fee requested by the Agency will be returned to the Market Court for renewed consideration.
Fingrid did not breach its connection and transmission obligation or the obligation to develop the grid when OL3 was connected to the grid
According to the Energy Authority’s view, the grid operator Fingrid Oyj did not breach its connection, transmission and development obligations when the Olkiluoto 3 nuclear power plant unit was connected to the electrical grid.
The Energy Authority to launch an investigation on an incorrect tender submitted to the power exchange on 23 November 2023
The Energy Authority will launch an investigation on the incorrect tender submitted to the power exchange in the Finnish bidding zone on Thursday 23 November 2023 and its effects on the functioning of the market and on different market participants. As the authority supervising the operation of the power exchange, the Energy Authority will investigate whether the regulation of the power exchange may have been violated in the case and how similar situations can be prevented in the future. The Agency shall investigate the matter in cooperation with regulatory authorities in other countries.
National report on electricity and natural gas markets in 2022
The Energy Authority has prepared enclosed national report on the state of the Finnish electricity and natural gas markets in 2022.