Effective electricity and natural gas markets enable the high reliability of energy supply and reasonable and competitive prices.

The Energy Authority supervises that the Finnish electricity and natural gas markets function in accordance with energy laws. It also aims to develop national, regional and EU energy markets in a sustainable way, and acts as the national supervisory authority in energy wholesale markets. In addition, the Energy Authority supervises and develops the reliability of the electricity and natural gas supply.

News Electricity and natural gas market Press release
National report on electricity and natural gas markets in 2023 published

The Energy Authority has published the national report on the operation and oversight of the electricity and natural gas markets in Finland in 2023. In the report, you will find key figures of the Finnish energy markets and a summary of the impact of the Energy Authority's activities.

News Electricity and natural gas market Press release 2024
Solar power production capacity rose to 1,000 megawatts

At the end of 2023, Finland's installed solar power production capacity was approximately 1,000 MW, most of which was micro-generation. The total capacity increased by more than 300 MW over the year.