Emissions trading registry
The emissions trading registry takes care of the recording, possession, transfer, cancellation, deletion and retirement of EU emission allowances and Kyoto Protocol units. The emissions trading registry in the European Union is the Union Registry, which is common to all the member states.
The Union Registry consists of sections for the different member states, each of which have their own national administrator. The Energy Authority is the national administrator of the Finnish section. The tasks of the national administrator include performing administrative tasks related to the opening of accounts and the changing of representatives, monitoring emissions trading obligations, allocating allowances, providing on-call service related to fraudulent transfers, as well as providing advice and handling communication about the registry.
All operators included in the scope of the emissions trading scheme must have an operator holding account for all installations with an emission permit. In addition, all airline and shipping companies included in the scope of the emissions trading scheme must have their own aircraft operator holding account or maritime operator holding account in the Union Registry. Emission verifiers must also have their own accounts. In addition to these, the Union Registry includes a range of voluntary accounts for trading. With specific limitations, accounts can be opened also for organisations and private persons not included in the scope of the emissions trading scheme.
Instructions on use and operation of the Union Registry:
Union Registry user guide
For security reasons, the Union Registry user guide is not published on this website. Representatives approved for the registry can access the manual by clicking the link at the top right-hand corner of the Union Registry after they have logged in.
Delays in the Union Registry (pdf)
Account transfers and updates to the list of trusted accounts usually take place in the registry only after a delay. This guide describes delays in different situations.
Guidance on adding a new mobile device to the EU Login account and the Union Registry (pdf)
The guide describes the steps registry users should take if they have changed their mobile device or if they have reinstalled the EU Login application on their current device.
Instructions and forms relating to holding account applications:
Application form (EU accounts) (pdf)
Applications concerning the EU ETS accounts (account number EU-100-) can be made with this form.
Application form (FI accounts) (pdf)
Applications concerning the Kyoto Protocol accounts (account number FI-120- and FI-121-) can be made with this form.
New user guide (EU Login account, registration and enrolment) (pdf)
The guide describes the actions all new users must complete to be added as a representative of a holding account.
Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts (pdf)
This guide describes the requirements applied account holder, representative and holding account applications. The guide also includes a brief description of the differences between the different account types and representative roles in the registry.
Certification and legalisation (pdf)
In some cases, documents must be enclosed with a holding account application, such as a copy of a personal identification document. This guide describes which documents must be certified and which must be legalised.
Report on beneficial owners (pdf)
This form must be enclosed with a holding account application when opening a voluntary holding account, if the Energy Authority requests for it.
If you want to open or close a holding account, change the representatives of a holding account or apply for claiming an account, you must submit an application form to the Energy Authority. The Energy Authority will make an administrative decision on the matter. You will find detailed instructions on how to submit different types of applications below (under the title Administration of holding accounts).
If the information you have submitted to the Union Registry or the information of an account holder you represent has changed, you must submit an update request in the Union Registry. With an update request, you can update the contact details of an account holder or representative, for example. Update requests will be implemented after the Energy Authority has approved them. You will find detailed instructions on how to submit update requests here.
The Energy Authority charges fees from the account holders for the opening and use of holding accounts. The fees are based on the currently valid regulation of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy on the Energy Authority’s services subject to a charge.
Holding account opening fees by account type:
- Trading account, EUR 500
- Person holding account in the national registry according to the Kyoto Protocol, EUR 500
Annual management fees for holding account by account type:
- Holding account for an installation with carbon dioxide emissions of less than 25,000 metric tons per year, EUR 350 per year
- Verifier account, EUR 350 per year
- Holding account for an installation with carbon dioxide emissions of at least 25,000 but at most 50,000 metric tons per year, EUR 550 per year
- Trading account, EUR 550 per year
- Person holding account in the national registry according to the Kyoto Protocol, EUR 550 per year
- Former operator holding account in the national registry according to the Kyoto Protocol, EUR 550 per year
- Holding account for an installation with carbon dioxide emissions of more than 50,000 but at most 500,000 metric tons per year, EUR 1,600 per year
- Aircraft operator holding account, EUR 1,600 per year
- Maritime operator holding account, EUR 1,600 per year
- Holding account for an installation with carbon dioxide emissions of more than 500,000 metric tons per year, EUR 3,600 per year
The full management fee will be charged even if the account is open only for part of the year.
The management fee of an installation’s holding account is determined on the basis of the installation’s most recent verified emissions. If the installation did not have any emissions during the preceding year, the management fee will be that of an installation with carbon dioxide emissions of less than 25,000 metric tons per year.
If the status of an aircraft operator holding account is "excluded" for the entire calendar year, the management fee need not be charged.
An account holder can request the Energy Authority to abort a transfer at the latest two hours before the end of the transfer delay if the account holder suspects that the transfer has been fraudulently initiated. For this purpose, the Energy Authority has an on-call service that is open from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 5 pm Finnish time, excluding Finnish public holidays. It is possible to abort transfers from EU ETS accounts (account number EU-100-) to accounts outside the trusted accounts list and from Kyoto Protocol accounts (account number FI-120- or FI-121-) to accounts on the trusted accounts list.
If you suspect that a fraudulent transfer has been made from your account, please contact the on-call service without delay:
- by email: rekisteri(at)energiavirasto.fi
- by phone: +358 29 5050 018
A transfer from an EU account to an account outside the trusted accounts list can also be aborted by an authorised representative of the account if the abortion is performed at the latest two hours before the end of the transfer delay.
In both cases the account holder must inform the police of the suspected fraud without delay after the transfer has been aborted, and submit the notification submitted to the police to the Energy Authority in 7 days.
The transfers that can be aborted have always a delay of at least 24 or 26 hours, depending on the account type. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not included in the delay time. Finnish public holidays which are not included in the delay time are listed on the Union Registry home page and in the attached decision of the Energy Authority (in Finnish).
Päätös tilisiirtoviiveen laskemisen keskeyttämisestä unionin rekisterissä yleisinä vapaapäivinä 2024 (pdf) (in Finnish)
Päätös tilisiirtoviiveen laskemisen keskeyttämisestä unionin rekisterissä yleisinä vapaapäivinä 2025 (pdf) (in Finnish)
Legislation concerning the Emissions Trading Registry:
- Emissions trading directive 2003/87/EC
- Commission delegated registry regulation (EU) No 2019/1122
- Commission registry regulation (EU) No 389/2013
- Commission regulation (EU) No 2023/2830 on the auctioning of allowances
- Päästökauppalaki (1270/2023) (national law concerning the emissions trading in Finland, available in Finnish and Swedish)
- Laki Kioton mekanismien käytöstä (109/2007) (national law concerning the use of Kyoto mechanisms in Finland, available in Finnish and Swedish)
True-up period report (TUP report) of Finland
Below is the true-up period report of Finland concerning the second commitment period (2013-2020) of the Kyoto Protocol, with its annexes.
- TUP report (pdf)
- Annex of TUP report: EU compliance (pdf)
- Annex of TUP report: SEF report 1 January - 9 September 2023, commitment period 2 (excel)
- Annex of TUP report: Serial numbers of the units in the retirement account (excel)
Public information related to Finland's national KP registry
Public information related to Finland’s national registry according to the Kyoto Protocol is listed below.
- Holding account information
- Information on joint implementation projects (JI)
- Annual Kyoto unit reserve and transfer information (SEF reports):
SEF 2022 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2021 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2020 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2019 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2018 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2018 commitment period 1 (excel)
SEF 2017 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2017 commitment period 1 (excel)
SEF 2016 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2016 commitment period 1 (excel)
SEF 2015 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2015 commitment period 1 (excel)
SEF 2014 commitment period 2 (excel)
SEF 2014 commitment period 1 (excel)
SEF 2013 commitment period 1 (excel)
The above-mentioned information is published in accordance with Sections 44–48 in the Annex to decision 13/CMP.1. Confidential information is not published. Confidentiality of information is determined in Article 110 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 389/2013.
Account holders with authorisation to hold Kyoto units in their KP registry account
An account holder must have authorisation to retain Kyoto units in its account in the Finnish national registry according to the Kyoto Protocol. This authorisation is given to emissions trading operators who have a valid emission permit and organisations that have the authorisation needed to participate in a joint implementation project or a Clean Development Mechanism project. The Ministry of the Environment can also give the authorisation to other operators based on a separate application.
Below is a list of the organisations authorised to keep Kyoto units in their accounts and the projects to which the Finnish approval has been given.
Emissions trading operators with valid emission permit (pdf)
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland: Finland’s carbon purchase fund projects (excel)
The above-mentioned information is published in accordance with section 19 of the Act on the Use of the Kyoto Mechanisms (109/2007).
Public information in the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL)
Information on the free allocation of installations, the current status of obligations and credit entitlements, among other issues, is published on the website of the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL)
The information is published in accordance with the Commission Regulations (EU) No 389/2013, (EU) 2019/1122 and (EU) No 1123/2013.
The use of allowances and units will change in many respects during the fourth emissions trading phase starting from 1 January 2021. The linking of the Emissions Trading Systems of the EU and Switzerland makes it possible to utilize Swiss allowances already from the spring of 2021. Related factors are illustrated in more detail below and in the attached figure.
The right to exchange project units (CER, ERU) will end on 30 April 2021
Operators and aircraft operators cannot use CER and ERU units to meet the EU’s emissions trading obligations during the fourth phase (2021-2030). This means that project units cannot be exchanged into allowances, and they cannot be transferred to EU accounts (account number EU-100-.) starting from 1 May 2021. However, project units can be exchanged into phase 3 allowances until the end of April 2021.
Phase 4 allowances cannot be surrendered in the spring of 2021, but only starting from 1 May 2021
Even if an operator or an aircraft operator obtained general or aviation phase 4 (2021-2030) allowances in their account at the beginning of 2021, they cannot surrender them during the spring of 2021 towards 2020 emissions. This restriction applies to all EU and Swiss general and aviation allowances for the period 2021-2030, regardless of whether they are received as free allocation or purchased on the secondary market or from the auctions. Therefore, until 30 April 2021 it is only possible to surrender phase 3 (2013–2020) EU and Swiss allowances. Operators and aircraft operators should consider this in preparing for surrendering. At the beginning of 2021, account details in the Union Registry will include a marking to indicate the phase during which the allowances in the specific account have been generated. As a result, allowances of different phases can easily be identified.
Operators can also surrender aviation allowances starting from 1 May 2021
Operator holding accounts can also hold EU and Swiss aviation allowances starting from 1 January 2021. Operators of stationary installations can also surrender EU and Swiss aviation allowances, but only after 1 May 2021. It is possible to hold aviation allowances on trading accounts and person holding accounts already in 2020, so if an operator has an account like that it can purchase aviation allowances during 2020. The right of aircraft operators to surrender general and aviation allowances will continue unchanged during the fourth phase.
Phase 3 allowances can also be used during the fourth phase
Phase 3 (2013-2020) EU and Swiss allowances are valid for an unlimited time. Therefore, operators and aircraft operators can surrender them also during the fourth phase (2021-2030).
Project units (CER, ERU) cannot be held on EU accounts starting from 1 July 2023
Project units can be held in EU accounts (account number EU-100-) until 30 June 2023. Starting from 1 July 2023 project units can only be held in the accounts of the national KP registry (account numbers FI-120- and FI-121- in the Finnish registry).
Emissions Trading Registry customer service
- tel. +358 29 5050 100 (Mon-Fri 12-14 Finnish time)
- e-mail: rekisteri(at)energiavirasto.fi
Direct contact information of the personnel can be found in personnel search.
If you suspect that a fraudulent transfer has been made from your account, please contact the on-call service of the Energy Authority without delay.
Administration of holding accounts
If you wish to open a voluntary holding account for yourself or an organisation your represent, you must submit an application to the Energy Authority by using the application form.
Voluntary account types:
- trading account in the Union Registry (EU account)
- person holding account in the national KP registry (FI account)
For further information about the differences of the account types, see the appendix Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts.
Specific requirements apply to the opening of voluntary accounts. For example, a trading account can be opened in the Union Registry only for an organisation registered in Finland or a private person who resides in Finland. Furthermore, there must be at least one authorised representative for these accounts who resides in Finland. The same requirements apply to person holding accounts in the national KP registry, with the exception that this account type cannot be opened for private persons. For further information about the requirements, see the appendix Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts.
You will be charged an opening fee and an annual management fee for the use of the account. You can find further information about the fees here.
Required steps:
- Each new user to be added as an account representative must create an EU Login account, add their mobile phone number to their new EU Login account and register in the Union Registry (see New user guide). They will receive a URID identifier, which is a mandatory piece of information in the application. New users are persons who have not used the Union Registry before. Old users can see their URIDs by logging in to the registry.
- Fill out the application form and submit it to the Energy Authority by following the instructions on the application form. If you are opening a trading account to the Union Registry, use the application form for EU accounts. If you are opening a person holding account to the national KP registry, use the application form for FI accounts. The application form can be signed in three different ways: 1) by a pen, 2) so that each signatory confirms the signature by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or 3) by using an electronic signature, if there is one available in your company. The application, the information stated in the application and appendices (if any) must comply with the requirements (see Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts and Certification and legalisation).
- When the application arrives at the Energy Authority, the Energy Authority will start its processing. The Energy Authority will request further information, if necessary, and inform you when the matter has been resolved with an administrative decision.
- The Energy Authority sends an enrolment key via SMS to each new user. The new users must activate their enrolment keys in the Union Registry (see New user guide). Only after that will they see their accounts in the registry.
Application form (EU accounts) (pdf)
Application form (FI accounts) (pdf)
New user guide (EU Login account, registration and enrolment) (pdf)
Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts (pdf)
Mandatory holding accounts can only be opened for operators, maritime operators, airlines and verifiers included in the scope of emissions trading. To open an application, you must submit an application to the Energy Authority by using the application form.
You can apply for the opening of an operator holding account once your installation has received an emission permit.
The shipping company must apply for the opening of a maritime operator holding account after it has been added to the Commission's list. If the shipping company is not on the list, you must first check yourself from the THETIS MRV helpdesk who is the right administrative authority.
You can apply for the opening of an aircraft operator holding account once the monitoring plan of your airline has been approved.
You can apply for the opening of a verifier account once you have been approved as an emissions trading verifier.
Required steps:
- Each new user to be added as an account representative must create an EU Login account, add their mobile phone number to their new EU Login account and register in the Union Registry (see New user guide). They will receive a URID identifier, which is a mandatory piece of information in the application. New users are persons who have not used the Union Registry before. Old users can see their URIDs by logging in to the registry.
- Fill out the application form and submit it to the Energy Authority by following the instructions on the application form. The application form can be signed in three different ways: 1) by a pen, 2) so that each signatory confirms the signature by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or 3) by using an electronic signature, if there is one available in your company. The application, the information stated in the application and appendices (if any) must comply with the requirements (see Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts and Certification and legalisation).
- When the application arrives at the Energy Authority, the Energy Authority will start its processing. The Energy Authority will request further information, if necessary, and inform you when the matter has been resolved with an administrative decision.
- The Energy Authority sends an enrolment key via SMS to each new user. The new users must activate their enrolment keys in the Union Registry (see New user guide). Only after that will they see their accounts in the registry.
Application form (EU accounts) (pdf)
New user guide (EU Login account, registration and enrolment) (pdf)
Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts (pdf)
You can apply for the closing of a voluntary holding account by submitting an application to the Energy Authority by using the application form.
Voluntary accounts:
- trading accounts in the union registry (EU account)
- person holding accounts in the national KP registry (FI account)
- former operator holding accounts in the national KP registry (FI account)
Required steps
- If there are units in the holding account to be closed, you must first transfer them elsewhere. Only an empty holding account can be closed.
- Fill out the application form and submit it to the Energy Authority by following the instructions on the application form. If you are closing a trading account in the Union Registry, use the application form for EU accounts. If you are closing a person holding account or a former operator holding account in the national KP registry, use the application form for FI accounts. The application form can be signed in three different ways: 1) by a pen, 2) so that each signatory confirms the signature by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or 3) by using an electronic signature, if there is one available in your company. The application, the information stated in the application and appendices (if any) must comply with the requirements (see Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts and Certification and legalisation).
- When the application arrives at the Energy Authority, the Energy Authority will start its processing. The Energy Authority will request further information, if necessary, and inform you when the matter has been resolved with an administrative decision.
Application form (EU accounts) (pdf)
Application form (FI accounts) (pdf)
Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts (pdf)
You must submit an application on the changing the representatives of the holding account to the Energy Authority by using the application form.
Required steps
- Each new user to be added as an account representative must create an EU Login account, add their mobile phone number to their new EU Login account and register in the Union Registry (see New user guide). They will receive a URID identifier, which is a mandatory piece of information in the application. New users are persons who have not used the Union Registry before. Old users can see their URIDs by logging in to the registry.
- Fill out the application form and submit it to the Energy Authority by following the instructions on the application form. If you are changing representatives of an EU ETS account (account number EU-100-), use the application form for EU accounts. If you are changing representatives of a Kyoto Protocol account (account number FI-120- or FI-121-), use the application form for FI accounts. The application form can be signed in three different ways: 1) by a pen, 2) so that each signatory confirms the signature by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or 3) by using an electronic signature, if there is one available in your company. The application, the information stated in the application and appendices (if any) must comply with the requirements (see Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts and Certification and legalisation).
- When the application arrives at the Energy Authority, the Energy Authority will start its processing. The Energy Authority will request further information, if necessary, and inform you when the matter has been resolved with an administrative decision.
- The Energy Authority sends an enrolment key via SMS to each new user. The new users must activate their enrolment keys in the Union Registry (see New user guide). Only after that will they see their accounts in the registry.
Application form (EU accounts) (pdf)
Application form (FI accounts) (pdf)
New user guide (EU Login account, registration and enrolment) (pdf)
Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts (pdf)
If the owner of an installation included in the scope of emissions trading changes, the new owner must apply for the possession of the operator holding account. The new owner must also submit the names of the authorised representatives. You can submit an application for claiming an operator holding account once the installation’s emission permit has been transferred to the new operator based on a decision of the Energy Authority. You must submit the application by using the application form.
Requires steps
- Each new user to be added as an account representative must create an EU Login account, add their mobile phone number to their new EU Login account and register in the Union Registry (see New user guide). They will receive a URID identifier, which is a mandatory piece of information in the application. New users are persons who have not used the Union Registry before. Old users can see their URIDs by logging in to the registry.
- Fill out the application form and submit it to the Energy Authority by following the instructions on the application form. The application form can be signed in three different ways: 1) by a pen, 2) so that each signatory confirms the signature by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or 3) by using an electronic signature, if there is one available in your company. The application, the information stated in the application and appendices (if any) must comply with the requirements (see Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts and Certification and legalisation).
- When the application arrives at the Energy Authority, the Energy Authority will start its processing. The Energy Authority will request further information, if necessary, and inform you when the matter has been resolved with an administrative decision.
- The Energy Authority sends an enrolment key via SMS to each new user. The new users must activate their enrolment keys in the Union Registry (see New user guide). Only after that will they see their accounts in the registry.
Application form (EU accounts) (pdf)
New user guide (EU Login account, registration and enrolment) (pdf)
Requirements on owners and representatives of holding accounts (pdf)
If the information you have submitted to the Union Registry or the information of an account holder you represent has changed, you must submit an update request in the Union Registry. There are instructions on how to submit an update request in the Union Registry: once you have logged in to the registry, click the Help link at the top right-hand corner.
An update request can apply to one of the following, for example:
- Changed name of the account holder (if the business ID has not changed)
- Changed contact details of the account holder or representatives
- Changed name of a representative
The Energy Authority will process the update request and notify you when the change has been approved.
Operators, maritime operators and aircraft operators included in the scope of emissions trading must report their verified emissions for the previous year annually by 31 March through the Union Registry. Verifiers must verify the submitted emissions in the Union Registry by 31 March.
For detailed instructions on how to report emissions and verification, please click the Help link at the top right-hand corner of the Union Registry after you have logged in.
If the emissions have not been reported by 31 March, the account will become blocked. In such a case, transfers from the account will not be possible until the emissions have been reported and verified.
Operators, maritime operators and aircraft operators included in the scope of emissions trading must surrender allowances corresponding to their previous year’s verified emissions annually by 30 September through the Union Registry.
For detailed instructions on how surrender the allowances, please click the Help link at the top right-hand corner of the Union Registry after you have logged in.
If an operator, maritime operator or an aircraft operator fails to surrender their allowances by 30 September, a penalty fee of 100 € per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent will be charged for the unsurrendered allowances. The penalty fee shall increase in accordance with the European index of consumer prices. Furthermore, the operator, maritime operator or aircraft operator will still have to surrender the unsurrendered allowances.
An account holder can request the Energy Authority to abort a transfer at least two hours before the end of the transfer delay if the account holder suspects that the transfer has been fraudulently initiated. For this purpose, the Energy Authority has an on-call service that is open from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 5 pm Finnish time, excluding Finnish public holidays.
If you suspect that a fraudulent transfer has been initiated from your account:
- Please contact the on-call service without delay
- by email: [email protected], or
- by phone: +358 29 5050 018
- Energy Authority aborts the transfer
- Inform the police of the suspected fraud without delay
- Submit the notification submitted to the police to the Energy Authority in 7 days.
Further information can be found here.