Save the Date: NordREG Seminar on Wholesale and Transmission Developments on 30 October 2024 in Helsinki

Publication date 12.9.2024 12.17
Type:Press release

Seminar information from NordREG: Each year NordREG arranges a joint seminar on wholesale and transmission developments. This year the seminar will be held physically in Helsinki, Finland on the 30th of October 2024.

The purpose of the seminar is to inform market participants, by providing regulatory input and oversight, in current topics handled by NordREG as well as encouraging discussions on topics related to the current market developments.

NordREG aims at having the Nordic transmission system operators as well as market participants and other stakeholders as presenters and panelists at the seminar.

NordREG expects to publish a registration form later with more information about specific time and agenda and hopes that you will already now save the date for the event.

Seminar takes place in Lintulahdenkuja 4, Helsinki. You can also join the seminar online.

The seminar information has been shared from NordREG's website

Contact person in the Finnish Energy Authority: Deputy Director General Antti Paananen, +358 29 5050 013, [email protected].

Electricity and natural gas market News