Stakeholder consultation on the terms and conditions for provision of gas transmission services

Publication date 22.3.2019 17.51
Type:Press release

The Energy Authority has published a proposal from the Finnish transmission system operator Gasum Oy regarding the terms and conditions for provision of gas transmission services.

The proposal covers rules regarding transmission of gas, balancing, connecting consumption and production to the transmission network, as well as cooperation between transmission system operator and distribution system operators. The stakeholder consultation is open until 15 April 2019, after which the Energy Authority will evaluate the statements received from the stakeholders and confirm the terms and conditions as required by law.

The documents are available only in Finnish. However, stakeholders wishing to receive information about specific matters regarding the consultation in English are invited to contact the Energy Authority by email or phone.

Documents in Finnish

For more information, please contact:

Additionally, please note that the Finnish transmission system operator Gasum Oy has published a consultation regarding market rules and contracts to be applied in the Finnish natural gas market. The consultation is open until 15 April 2019.

Consultation Electricity and natural gas market