The Energy Authority urges Fi-Nergy Voima and 365 Hankinta customers to select a new electricity provider as a matter of urgency

Publication date 11.6.2021 14.41 | Published in English on 14.6.2021 at 14.07
Type:Press release

Fi-Nergy Voima Oy, Fi-Nergy Voima OÜ and 365 Hankinta Oy cannot continue the supply of electricity to their customers due to their lack of a balance responsible party. The supply of electricity to the customers of these companies will not be disconnected immediately. The Energy Authority urges the customers to enter into an agreement with a new electricity provider as a matter of urgency. 

The supply of electricity from Fi-Nergy Voima and 365 Hankinta to customers will be disrupted because the companies lack a balance responsible party after the transmission system operator Fingrid on 11 June 2021 terminated the balance service agreement of the company that had been acting as balance responsible party for the companies concerned. The Electricity Market Act requires that the electricity provider has a balance responsible party.

The electricity supply to the customers of Fi-Nergy Voima and 365 Hankinta will not be disconnected immediately. Network services will send their customers a notification of the disruption of the distribution of electricity and ensure that the electricity supply to consumers will continue for at least three weeks after the notification has been sent. To have the supply of electricity continue the customers are required to conclude a contract with a new electricity supplier themselves. If the customer fails to enter into a contract with a new electricity provider within the period stated by the network service, the network service has the right to disconnect the customer's electricity supply.

The Energy Authority urges the customers of the said companies to immediately seek a new electricity provider and conclude a new electricity contract with them. Customers will not be automatically transferred as customers of any electricity provider. Each customer can select a new electricity provider by comparing the prices of electricity contracts in the service maintained by the Energy Authority. New electricity providers should be reserved at least 14 days for the organisation of electricity supply. Some providers may require an even longer period than that. Customers should therefore conclude a new contract without delay to avoid the disruption of electricity supply to their household. 

Customers are not entitled to a temporary three-week electricity supply from network services at the same price and on the same terms and conditions as those agreed with the electricity provider. If the network service and the customer cannot agree on the terms and conditions, the matter shall be resolved by the Energy Authority.

For more information, please contact:

  • Antti Paananen, Deputy Director General, tel. +358 29 5050 013 and Jani Kostiainen, Legal Adviser, tel. +358 29 5050 113, email: [email protected].
  • Complaints and claims for reimbursement to the electricity provider: Consumer Advisory Services, tel. +358 29 505 3050.
Electricity and natural gas market News