Energia 247 stops supplying electricity - The Energy Authority urges customers to get a new electricity provider without delay

Publication date 2.12.2021 13.00 | Published in English on 2.12.2021 at 16.12
Type:Press release

Energia 247 Oy will cease supplying electricity to its customers as of 4 December 2021 due to financial difficulties. The supply of electricity is not interrupted, but customers must enter into a new electricity contract with a new provider without delay.

Energia 247 will cease supplying electricity to customers because the company is unable to continue acquiring electricity due to its financial difficulties. Energia 247 has made an agreement with Lumo Energy Plc that some of the company's customers and electricity contracts will be transferred to Lumo Energy. The providers will notify the customers concerned of the transfer of the contract. Electricity contracts with the other customers will be terminated. Energia 247 will contact the customers whose electricity contract will be terminated.

As the customers' electricity contracts are terminated for a reason attributable to the provider, grid companies will continue to maintain the electricity supply on a temporary basis. Grid companies will send the customers a separate notification and instructions. 

The Energy Authority urges the customers to immediately find a new electricity provider and enter into an electricity contract with them. The customers must enter into a new contract without delay, as the new electricity provider needs at least 14 days to begin supplying electricity. If the customers have not found a new electricity provider within three weeks after the date the grid company sent the notification, the Energy Authority may decide to transfer the customers to the electricity provider obliged to supply the area.

Electricity prices can easily be compared at, for example, the sahkonhinta.fi service. The service is maintained by the Energy Authority.

Customers are not entitled to receive the same price and term and conditions they have agreed with Energia 247 from a grid company or the provider appointed by the Energy Authority. If the parties cannot agree on the matter, the decision will be made by the Energy Authority.

If you receive a notification about the ending of your electricity supply from Energia 247 or a grid company, you should:

Find a new electricity provider quickly 

  • Compare electricity prices on, for example, the sahkonhinta.fi service and contact a provider of your choosing. 

Enter into a new electricity contract without delay

  • A new electricity provider needs at least 14 days to begin supplying electricity. Enter into a new contract no later than one week after the grid company has sent you a notification of the end of the electricity supply.

Further information:

  • Antti Paananen, Deputy Director General, tel. +358 29 5050 013 and Legal Advisers Jani Kostiainen, tel. +358 29 5050 113 and Annagreta Sirén, tel. +358 29 5050 053, email: [email protected]
  • Complaints and claims for reimbursement to the electricity provider: Consumer Advisory Services, tel. +358 29 505 3050
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