National report on electricity and natural gas markets in 2022

Publication date 13.7.2023 11.21 | Published in English on 13.7.2023 at 11.24
Type:Press release

The Energy Authority has prepared enclosed national report on the state of the Finnish electricity and natural gas markets in 2022.

In addition to an overall information on electricity and gas markets in Finland, the report covers the steps the Energy Authority has taken and the results obtained as regards tasks set for national regulatory authorities in above mentioned directives. It contains also a description of the powers and tasks of the Energy Authority, an overview of the regulation and performance of electricity and natural gas sectors and an update of security of supply with regard to both gas and electricity.

The report will be prepared annually.

The report has been submitted to the Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and to the European Commission.

Further information: Markus Nora, tel. +358 29 5050 046 and Antti Paananen, tel. +358 29 5050 013

National Report on electrcity and gas markets in 2022 in Finland (pdf)

2023 Electricity and natural gas market News