Consultation on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors in gas transmission
In accordance with Article 28 of Commission Regulation the Energy Authority carries out a consultation. The consultation is open from 11th November until 25th November 2022.
In accordance with Article 28 of Commission Regulation on establishing a network code on harmonized transmission tariffs structures for gas (Tariff Network Code) the Energy Authority carries out a consultation with the national regulatory authorities of all directly connected Member States and the relevant stakeholders on the following:
- the level of multipliers
- if applicable, the level of seasonal factors and the calculations set out in Ar-ticle 15
- the levels of discounts set out in Article 9(3) and 16.
The consultation is open from 11th November until 25th November 2022.The consultation responses shall be delivered by e-mail to the address [email protected] The Agency requests to refer in responses to the diary number 2516/050003/2022 .
Consultation in accordance with Article 28 of Tariff Network code (pdf)